Stop Comparing, Start Enjoying… A body image lesson from my 7 year old daughter

My message… Stop comparing, start enjoying! Stop wishing, start doing! Stop waiting, start living!


After watching this Dove Beauty Legacy Campaign on Social Media last week, it really got me thinking and questioning myself.

A few days later my 7 year old, Lily and I were in my bathroom and she was looking at herself in the mirror. “What do you like when you look in the mirror?” I asked her. She smiled and replied straight away, listing off “my eyes, my curly hair, my smile”. It made me feel really happy. “What other things do you love about yourself? I was intrigued… Again without hesitation she said “I’m funny, I’m kind, I’m clever and I’m good at art and designing”.

As much as I hate to admit it, Lily has definitely heard me say negative things about myself BUT she still sees only positives in herself (and in me)…. for now! I am so grateful that she hasn’t picked up on any negative self image beliefs yet but I realised that I need to stop with the comparing, wishing and wanting because she is approaching such a tender and impressionable age that I would never forgive myself if she began to be unhappy with anything about herself. She is perfect and that’s the way I want her to continue seeing herself. Do you know, not that long ago I would have struggled to come up with one positive answer about myself if asked the same questions I asked Lily?! Thankfully this is something I have been able to turn around and I work hard on always finding positives and being happy and content with who I am and what I have.

In all the time you spend comparing yourself to others and wishing for something more; life is passing you by anyway so why not enjoy it! Don’t pass your body image issues onto your daughter. We need them to grow up as strong women with high self worth. It has only just been recently that I have really understood the importance of this and every single day I strive to live more happily. And I must say it’s working. I got tired of waiting for the next thing or wishing for something newer, bigger, better and I was missing the fact that I already had it. I just wasn’t enjoying it! No one wants to be a negative role model for their children but we can inadvertently fall into the trap and social media does play a big part in this and it is why I am so passionate about living a healthy, happy and active life and being the best role model I can be for my girls.

Something that I have been working on and reminding myself daily is that I am living my life, not somebody else’s. I am affecting the people close to me and I am so determined to make it a positive impact rather than a negative one.

The truth may hurt and may not always be what we want to hear, but it is still the truth. You are still YOU! You can work to change things but do it on your terms to be a better you, not to become someone else, who in all honestly is thinking and feeling exactly the same way you are anyway ~ they are just trying to be like someone else!


Look in a mirror daily and be like my awesome 7 year old Daughter and tell yourself what you actually like about yourself. It may be hard to start with but you will get better at it and you will definitely get a sense of happiness and we all know positive energy promotes positive energy. It is so easy to get caught in a downward spiral but do yourself a favour and change the direction of your spiral! I am happier with myself now in my 30’s than I have ever been and guess what?…. I do have a slightly saggy belly (it is my reminder that I carried my 2 precious babies), I do have crows feet and wrinkles around my eyes (my reminder that I always find something to smile and laugh about), I have freckles (so what!)… I am fit, healthy and confident and that’s good enough for me!


So, Lily and I want to ask you “What do you love about yourself?”

what do you love blog post